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Do you worry about all the toxic inputs abundant in the pet ‘health care’ space?; including:
– annual vaccine ‘boosters’
– flea & tick preventatives
– heartworm & gut worm preventatives
– grooming supplies like shampoos
– their food and water?!
We are delighted to welcome Dr Renee James from The Natural Vets at Forest Glen to the Farm Store for an educational session that will kick off at 9am with a 45 minute talk on the what, why and how to detox pet care, followed by morning tea and a Q&A session with Dr Renee.
This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to learn about all the hidden toxins in pet ‘health’ care and how to minimise them.  You will cover:

* How toxic our pets are and where all the toxins come from
* Why you need to minimise toxic inputs, and how to go about it
* What alternatives are available and which are the most effective.

You will ‘graduate’ with a plan to keep your pet healthy and well.  –

The $49 to secure your spot may be the best investment in your pet’s health you will ever make. And of course morning tea is included and will be a selection of savoury and sweet treats featuring local and organic produce plus your choice of hot or cold drink.


The Natural Vets are a full service veterinary clinic integrating traditional western medicine with alternative therapies. They are based on the Sunshine Coast but also treat animals Australia wide via phone or video. The Natural Vets do normal vet stuff. Differently.


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