The rain threatened all day on the 20th November 2017 but only a few scuds came through and it certainly did not dampen the spirits of the 150 farmers, foodies, tourism and hospitality folk who gathered to celebrate the incredible quality and diversity of local produce in the Mary Valley, Gympie and Sunshine Coast regions.

Our 3rd Annual Producers Pot Luck Luncheon was held this year in the finally completed Kandanga Farm Store – a much easier venue than the old Kandanga Hay Shed of previous years. Local producers came bearing dishes that showcased their produce and were not at all daunted that their audience included chefs, retailers and others in hospitality – such is their passion and dedication to their craft!

The day is all about making connections so that local produce starts appearing on menus, in stores and is seen as an essential part of a visit to our region.  And, more importantly the people behind that amazing food (the farmers that feed us!) can have their stories told.